Organizations need to be more transparent about their progress on racial justice
Employees and executives have different views on racial justice progress. Organizations need to take tangible steps to address racial justice at work.
Employees and executives have different views on racial justice progress. Organizations need to take tangible steps to address racial justice at work.
Nearly two-thirds of consumers today buy from or advocate for brands based on their values - and Gen Z is leading the charge, says new Edelman report.
Most people expect companies to take geopolitical action and apply pressure on governments if they invade other countries. Not doing so will cost customer trust.
Trust allows for the acceptance of evolving science as well as the curbing of freedoms for the sake of public health, finds Edelman's Trust Barometer.
This global survey by Edelman highlights that in 2020, the year of the pandemic and the infodemic, 61% of people turned to business as the last bastion of ‘truth’.
Building and sustaining public trust and confidence in immunization systems is essential and employers, as trusted messengers of credible information, can play a critical role.
上个星期,我们刚刚在美国进行了一次问卷调查,调查样本包含了1000名普通大众和113名硅谷科技员工,调查主题是假消息对主流媒体信任度的影响。 大多数美国人得出了这样一个“悲惨”结论——假新闻确实是媒体以打击政治对手为动机所创造的。 假新闻最终只会把读者引向“回声室”——每个人都只会选择性地接受自己同意的观点。假新闻是“市政广场”的坟墓,以前在广场上,所有人都可以有不同的观...
Most Americans agree that the media and echo chambers are to blame for the spread of fake news.