The pros and cons of a tight jobs market
Labour shortages have pushed up wage growth. This benefits low-paid workers but can add to inflation risk - bringing more workers into the market can help.
Romain Duval is an advisor in the IMF’s Research Department, where he leads the agenda on structural reforms. He has published widely in academic and policy-oriented journals on a variety of topics including structural reforms, growth, unemployment, the political economy of reforms, business cycles, monetary policy, exchange rates, and climate change. He holds a PhD in Economics.
Labour shortages have pushed up wage growth. This benefits low-paid workers but can add to inflation risk - bringing more workers into the market can help.
According to a new IMF staff paper, euro area countries have had more frequent and severe recessions than other advanced economies over the past 20 years.
The design of labor market policies in emerging markets differs significantly from that in advanced economies.
Los beneficios del comercio con China muchas veces pasan inadvertidos. Uno de ellos es un mayor aumento de la productividad, el factor que más contribuye a mejorar los niveles de vida.
Un nuevo estudio indica que la reducción de las barreras al comercio internacional y la inversión extranjera directa (IED) podría estimular la productividad y el producto.
IMF research examines the impact of lowering trade barriers on global productivity and growth.