Dr Ruma Bhargava is a public health and social impact professional with over 14 years of experience working in policy, advocacy, research and implementation. A Chevening fellow from the University of Oxford, she currently leads the Health Care Vertical of the India Centre of the World Economic Forum.
She has worked with the International Red Cross defining policies for COVID relief across the Asia Pacific and earlier with the Govt of India to conceptualize strategies for India’s Universal Immunization Programme reaching 26 million children and 30 million pregnant women annually. Dr Rum also heads Samarpann, an NGO working in 70 schools with 13,500 children in rural and tribal India ensuring their health, education and livelihood. She regularly consults with multiple stakeholders – UN, Govt and Civil Society in domains of Health Systems Strengthening, Maternal and Child Health, Communicable and Non-Communicable diseases and digital health
She holds an MBA from NTU Singapore, and Masters in Public Health and Bachelors in Dental Surgery from Manipal University.
Poverty, displacement and climate change harm mental health, especially for children and families. We must invest now in children's well-being. Here's how.
Research shows healthcare leaders must collaborate with public and private sector organizations on research and funding to achieve global health equity.
Corporate leaders now recognize they have a responsibility to support employee mental health and are working to identify common issues and share solutions.
Fomentar una cultura empresarial de apoyo e iniciativas holísticas de salud mental puede mejorar la salud y el bienestar, la productividad y el rendimiento de los empleados.
Fostering a supportive work culture and holistic mental health initiatives can enhance employee health and well-being, productivity and performance.
Una combinación de presiones sociales, económicas, tecnológicas y ecológicas está privando de optimismo a los jóvenes de todo el mundo.
A combination of social, economic, technological and ecological pressures are robbing young people worldwide of optimism.
Prioritizing women's mental health is a strategic imperative — good for the bottom line and women in the workplace. Here are four ways to bolster it today.
La pérdida de productividad debida a la depresión y la ansiedad cuesta 1 billón de dólares al año. En este Día Mundial de la Salud Mental, examinamos cómo la colaboración de las partes in...
En el Día Mundial de la Salud Mental, es fundamental que las partes interesadas colaboren para que los niños puedan navegar por Internet dando prioridad a su bienestar mental.
Lost productivity due to depression and anxiety costs $1 trillion each year. This World Mental Health Day, we look at how collaborative efforts from stakeholders can improve well-being.