How Africa can secure its long-term economic growth
Why should Africans care about the global economy? The short answer is if the world economy sneezes, the continent’s current cold could quickly escalate into a severe flu.
BA (Hons) Essex; MSc, London. Formerly: Executive Director (NIB) and Managing Director, Nedbank. Former Director-General: Department of Foreign Affairs; Department of Labour. Currently, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Johannesburg-based AngloGold Ashanti, the world's largest emerging market gold producer, with 19 operations in nine countries spanning South America, Africa and Australasia. Former Chairperson, Johannesburg World Summit Company. Non-Executive Chairperson, Laetoli Holdings; Non-Executive Director: Spescom; Southern Oil Exploration Corporation; Musuku Benefication Systems; Bytes Technology Group. Chairperson, Izingwe Capital; Riscura Solutions. Non-Executive Vice-Chairperson, Aberdare Cables. Various senior roles on government boards, organizations and committees.