新たに誕生するテクノロジーは、人類にとって大いなる希望であり、さまざまな機会を提供してくれる存在です。 新興テクノロジーは、プラスの変化をもたらす大きなな可能性を秘めている一方で、人類が直面する複雑な危機に対しては新たな課題やジレンマを生み出します。 包摂的で責任あるアプローチをとることで、新興テクノロジーの力を危機への対処や危機の軽減に活かし、より強靭で公平な社会へ...
Smriti Kirubanandan MS,MPH,CN
Smriti has a strong background in robotics and public health and currently serves as a Global Director & Head, Strategic Marketing, Healthcare and Lifesciences at TATA Consultancy Services, where she focuses on driving significant transformations within the healthcare ecosystem, concentrating on customer experience, intelligent automation, data analytics and insights, and is determined to make healthcare more accessible and affordable through innovation and empathy. She also spearheads brand development, thought leadership, and market research.
Smriti is a selected Young Global Leader 2023 by the World Economic Forum, a member of the Young Leaders Circle at the Milken Institute, and is the Founder of HLTH Forward Podcast- an award-winning media platform that hosts healthcare leaders, policymakers, and artists to discuss the challenges in the system and what we could do collectively to move healthcare forward.
An empathetic and innovative strategic policy advisor has helped organizations globally to build the capacity to empower people to engage in wellness programs and is responsible for educating small farmers in Africa to lift them out of poverty to improve food & nutrition insecurity, impacting 2 million people per year. In 2022, Smriti was appointed to serve the Los Angeles County food equity round table as a Nutrition & Policy Advisor to design and strategize programs to address food insecurity by educating and improving access and affordability to nutritious food.
Smriti has shared her thought leadership across many national forums.She is a health news contributor featured on Forbes, Washington Post, ABC News, Huffington Post, Times of India, The Hindu, VegNews, Medium, Yahoo News, and more.
Smriti holds her Bachelor of Science in Robotics, Master in Engineering Management from the University of Southern California, and Masters in Public Health from the University of California Los Angeles. She is also a Certified Raw Vegan Chef and Nutritionist and is currently in Fellowship with the American College of Healthcare Executives.
新たに誕生するテクノロジーは、人類にとって大いなる希望であり、さまざまな機会を提供してくれる存在です。 新興テクノロジーは、プラスの変化をもたらす大きなな可能性を秘めている一方で、人類が直面する複雑な危機に対しては新たな課題やジレンマを生み出します。 包摂的で責任あるアプローチをとることで、新興テクノロジーの力を危機への対処や危機の軽減に活かし、より強靭で公平な社会へ...
Podemos aprovechar las tecnologías emergentes para abordar y mitigar las crisis humanas, pero hay que llevar en cuenta las implicaciones sociales, los retos ambientales y las consideraci...
By adopting a responsible and inclusive approach, we can harness the power of emerging technologies to address and mitigate human crises.
A growing body of research suggests that music therapy could be useful when integrated into wider clinical treatments of mental and physical ill-health.
急性食料不安に苦しむ人々の数は2019年の1億3,500万人から、2022年6月には、82カ国で3億4,500万人に増加しました。 気温の上昇は、異常気象、自然災害、経済的・社会的混乱をもたらし、食料供給にまで悪影響を及ぼしています。 食料供給システムを守るためには、個人およびコミュニティレベルで気候変動に対する行動を取る必要があります。
Rising temperatures are negatively impacting global food security. Food supply systems need to consider climate change at an individual and community level.