亚洲的再次崛起是在我们有生之年里出现的重大转折。 明年,以购买力平价(PPP)为衡量标准,亚洲经济体将一跃成为世界上最大的经济体,这是自19世纪以来,首次超过其他经济体的总和。亚洲不仅会变得越来越富裕;随着经济一体化程度的加深,它将会成为全球治理的建设性力量。
Founder and President, Center for China and Globalization (CCG), a leading Chinese think tank. Counsellor, China State Council. Vice-Chairman, China Association for International Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Commerce; Chairman, China Global Talent Society, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. Dean, Institute of Development Studies, China Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. Vice-Chairman, China Western (Overseas) Returned Scholars Association. Member: Steering Committee, Paris Peace Forum; Migration Advisory Board, International Organization of Migration (IOM); Yale University Asia Development Advisory Council; Duke Kunshan University Advisory Council; Steering Committee, Global Competent Council, Tsinghua University; Steering Committee, Metropolis International Network. Policy Fellow, IZA. Formerly: with the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, in charge of Chinese companies going global; Managing Director, Asia, SNC-Lavalin; Chief Trade Representative, Canada Quebec Government Office in Hong Kong and Greater China. PhD in International Business and Global Management, University of Western Ontario and University of Manchester. Senior Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School; Visiting Fellow, Brookings Institution; Senior Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada. Has taught at Peking University, Tsinghua University and University of Western Ontario as Adjunct Professor. Has published over 70 books and more than 100 articles and papers.
亚洲的再次崛起是在我们有生之年里出现的重大转折。 明年,以购买力平价(PPP)为衡量标准,亚洲经济体将一跃成为世界上最大的经济体,这是自19世纪以来,首次超过其他经济体的总和。亚洲不仅会变得越来越富裕;随着经济一体化程度的加深,它将会成为全球治理的建设性力量。
Asia's ongoing economic integration is bucking the international trend of trade fragmentation. With China as its engine room, the region can demonstrate the benefits of multilateralism to...