Stéphanie Thomson
January 23, 2025
The UNHCR estimates there are currently over 32 million refugees worldwide and more than 10 million people who are stateless, meaning they are without a nationality and unable to access basic human rights. Ahmad Joudeh was one of them, until dancing changed his life.
Under civil war in Syria, and throughout his upbringing in the Al Yarmouk Camp, Ahmad received constant threats from extremists for dancing. But giving up was never an option. His persistence captured the attention of international media, secured his invitation by the Dutch National Ballet and ultimately led to him receiving Dutch nationality.
While Joudeh’s story is unique, his plight and resilience is shared by millions. On World Refugee Day, he shares his journey of overcoming statelessness, war and prejudice to become an internationally renowned dancer and a voice for refugees and people who, like him, were born stateless.
World Refugee Day honours refugees around the globe, celebrating their strength and recognising their resilience. Addressing statelessness within the refugee crisis is a key part of protecting individual human rights.
Hear more about Ahmad Joudeh's journey in this Radio Davos podcast interview:
Stéphanie Thomson
January 23, 2025