Previous Global Future Council on the Future of Data Equity
Previous Global Future Council on the Future of Data Equity

Council mission and objectives
As the world increasingly turns to data to address urgent global challenges, emerging data ecosystems are perpetuating existing power dynamics – driving current inequalities further and giving rise to new groups of haves and have nots. With the downstream impacts of data at such high stakes, how can we ensure safer and more robust data ecosystems for all?
JoAnn Stonier, Chief Data Officer, Mastercard
Lauren Woodman, Chief Executive Officer, DataKind
Council Manager
Stephanie Teeuwen, Specialist, Data and AI, World Economic Forum
Karla Yee Amezaga, Lead, Data Policy, World Economic Forum
Mobilizing thought leadership for impact
The Global Future Councils serve as a brain trust for leaders from government, business and civil society, and support the Forum’s mission by bringing together experts bound by a shared mission to discuss the most critical issues, generate insights and analysis, and collaborate in shaping agendas.
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