Filipe is a cybersecurity expert specializing in strategy, transformation, and innovation across public-private sectors. As a Lead, Centre for Cybersecurity at the World Economic Forum, he oversees the cyber resilience initiatives' portfolio across critical infrastructure industries aiming to address systemic challenges. Filipe has over 10 years of experience helping organizations shape global cyber and digital strategies by combining strong technical expertise with business acumen. He holds a PhD in Applied Cryptography, an MSc in Computer Science, and a BSc in Computer Engineering.
Para prosperar en la era digital, las organizaciones deben priorizar la resiliencia cibernética como una cuestión de liderazgo estratégico.
Cómo la colaboración público-privada pionera en el sector financiero está dando forma a un futuro cuántico seguro con estrategias eficaces para la seguridad cuántica.
To thrive in the digital age, organizations must prioritize cyber resilience as a strategic leadership issue. Here are five tips to help build cyber resilience.
How pioneering public-private collaboration in the financial sector is shaping a secure quantum future with effective strategies for quantum security.
Los nuevos estándares de criptografía poscuántica (PQC) del NIST son un paso importante en la transición hacia una economía cuántica segura.
La creciente amenaza de ciberataques está obligando a los gobiernos a endurecer las leyes para aumentar la ciberresiliencia. Estas son algunas de las normativas que entraron en vigor en 2...
The new NIST post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standards are an important stepping stone on the transition to a quantum-secure economy
Digitalization will support the energy transition but organizations must use cyber-resilience to build trust, reputation and confidence among stakeholders.
The increasing threat of cyberattacks is prompting governments to toughen up laws and build resilience. Here are some of the regulations that came into force in 2024.
Investing in security alongside innovation fosters tech diversification and promotes a cybersecurity-first culture, enhancing global cyber resilience.
A US government lab has released three highly anticipated encryption algorithms that were built to withstand cyberattacks from quantum computers.
Transport plays a key role in connecting global economies by facilitating global trade and economic activity, so we must ensure that it's cyber secure.
Cyberattacks on the healthcare industry can be ruinous — for individuals and entire organizations. That's why cyber resilience is critical in healthcare.