Why we must innovate to create the financial market infrastructure of the future
The financial market infrastructures of the future must be innovation leaders, creators of client value and strategic partners for positive market change.
Frank La Salla is a global CEO with more than 30 years of experience at leading financial institutions. As a strategic leader with extensive experience overseeing global teams, he drives financial excellence, a holistic, forward-looking strategy and decisive execution to create value for key stakeholders.
The financial market infrastructures of the future must be innovation leaders, creators of client value and strategic partners for positive market change.
Casi el 40% de los agentes de los mercados financieros utilizan actualmente algún tipo de tecnología de contabilidad distribuida o activos digitales. Establecer normas compartidas es clave.
Nearly 40% of financial market actors are currently using some form of distributed ledger technology or digital assets. Setting shared standards is key.