A study found a "multiplier effect" where the departure of great employees causes more to follow, as high performers quit and low performers also tend to leave.
微压力(Microstresses)是指我们在日常活动中遇到的微小压力,例如收到行文不清晰的电子邮件;微压力往往很小,我们几乎注意不到,但微压力的累积也会影响到我们;一本名为《微压力效应》(The Microstress Effect)的书的作者认为,我们必须学会识别微压力,然后才能努力应对它。
Microstresses are tiny stresses we face in everyday interactions, such as being sent unclear emails. They are so small we hardly notice, but they pile up.
The Pivot Method is a four-step process for making a shift in your career. It was devised by Jenny Blake, and involves a mindset and a method. Read to learn more.
A new tool called Matches Measure can help managers and HR teams detect burnout in workers. It uses visual scales similar to a pain scale used by doctors.
Employees want more support for emotional and mental well-being at work, but managers are struggling to find the right balance for a culture of support.
Instead of looking within to self-reflect, a US professor advises the dialectic approach - it can help you understand your thinking and make for better teamwork.
Organizational awareness allows businesses to prepare for and respond to sudden crises. Learning how to scan for skill gaps is a vital element of this.
With better self-awareness at work, we can clearly see our own values, strengths, thoughts, feelings, behavior, and impact on the job, research finds.