Aluminium can help to build the circular economy. Here's how
A circular economy could reduce emissions from the production of key materials by 40% in 2050 - and aluminium has a big role to play in this transition.
Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors, EN+ Group; appointed Independent Chairman of the En+ Board of Directors in October 2017, immediately prior to the company’s IPO in London. In February 2019, appointed Executive Chairman of the Board. 2001-15, Member of the British House of Commons. 2010-14, United Kingdom Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change, under Prime Minister David Cameron, becoming the longest serving British energy minister for a generation. August 2015, made a life Peer and, since October 2015, has been a member of the United Kingdom House of Lords. Extensive business experience in the energy sector, mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, investor relations, and private equity gained prior to a successful career in politics. Educated at Lancing College, London University and London Business School.