Namibia is poised to become the renewable energy hub of Africa
The country has launched an ambitious green recovery plan. By electrifying key parts of the economy, the government will spur unprecedented economic activity and growth for citizens.
Teachers Diploma, Augustineum Training College; BA, Fordham University, New York; MA in International Relations, New School of Social Research, New York. Since 1961, active in the fight against injustice perpetrated by inequality based on colour, the Bantu education system, the creation of homelands and the denial of self-determination. 1963-64, Assistant SWAPO Representative, Botswana; 1964-71, SWAPO Representative to the United Nations and the Americas; 1972-75, Political Affairs Officer, United Nations Secretariat; 1975-89, Director, United Nations Institute for Namibia, Lusaka; 1989, Election Director, SWAPO; 1989-90, Chairman, Constituent Assembly; since 1990, Prime Minister, Republic of Namibia. Chairman of the most comprehensive study ever on Namibia entitled Namibia: Perspectives for National Reconstruction and Development 1985-86. Oversaw the preparation of 25 sectoral policy publications for the government of Namibia. Numerous articles in international publications. Recipient of awards. President of the Republic of Namibia