新冠病毒大流行暴露了受到健康与经济危机影响的各国状况。经合组织(经济合作与发展组织,简称OECD)成员国的国内生产总值平均收缩7.6%,而对韩国的预测数据仅为修正后的-0.8%。Chatham House的主席吉姆·奥尼尔Jim O’Neill解释了韩国如何成为其他国家的榜样。
Jim O'Neill, a former chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management and a former UK Treasury Minister, is Chairman of Chatham House.
新冠病毒大流行暴露了受到健康与经济危机影响的各国状况。经合组织(经济合作与发展组织,简称OECD)成员国的国内生产总值平均收缩7.6%,而对韩国的预测数据仅为修正后的-0.8%。Chatham House的主席吉姆·奥尼尔Jim O’Neill解释了韩国如何成为其他国家的榜样。
Following the country's rapid and effective response to COVID-19, South Korea's GDP is forecast to drop by only 0.8%, compared to -7.6% for the OECD average.
If a sharp return to growth does arrive, it will be important to avoid past mistakes, writes Chair of Chatham House, Jim O'Neill.
Since the 2008 financial crash, economical norms have gone out the window, so it advanced economies it might be time to go back to the drawing board.
Japan in 2019 feels relatively stable compared to other advanced economies - due largely to a period of political certainty and strong growth under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, writes Jim O...
Despite strong global growth, what looms on the horizon for the global economy, asks Jim O'Neill.
Much will be said about the tenth anniversary of the 2008 financial crisis, so I will focus on the global economy, which has not been nearly as weak as many seem to think.
The 'Next 11' are set to make significant contributions to growth.
El panorama estructural de la eurozona a largo plazo sigue siendo poco alentador. Las perspectivas de los dos factores clave del crecimiento a largo plazo – la productividad y el tamaño y...
To bolster long-term economic growth, business investment will have to increase.
Ha sido interesante observar cómo se aceleró el crecimiento frente a sacudidas como el referendo por el Brexit del Reino Unido y la elección de Trump.
El extraño mundo de los mercados de divisas puede desafiar la comprensión lógica y tratar de estimar el valor de equilibrio, la línea base de la libra esterlina, puede ser un ejercicio fú...
Jim O'Neill explores the pound’s post-Brexit performance.