Leading and co-developing a portfolio of insights for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. One of the co-authors of the 16th edition of the Global Gender Gap Report, launched July 2022.
For the past twelve years, I have worked to advance Gender Justice and Women’s Rights in Latin America and Australia and the Pacific, collaborating across a range of civil society, policy research, and international development organisations.
Harán falta 134 años para alcanzar la paridad de género, según el Informe sobre la Brecha Global de Género 2024 del Foro Económico Mundial. Esto es lo que hay que saber.
It will take 134 years to reach gender parity, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2024. Here’s what you need to know.
The care economy is one of humanity's most valuable assets. It protects millions of lives and has a value in the trillions. We must protect its future.
Ante el aumento de las necesidades de asistencia, el Foro Económico Mundial explora el cambio hacia una economía de cuidados más eficiente y equitativa que promueva el crecimiento y la pr...
With care needs increasing, the World Economic Forum explores shifting to a more efficient, equitable care economy that promotes growth and prosperity.
We have a unique opportunity to redress deep-seated inequities by advancing gender equality.
La edición 2022 del Informe Global de Brecha de Género proyecta que, al ritmo actual de avance, América Latina y el Caribe alcanzará la paridad de género en 67 años, es decir, en 2089. Es...