3 maneras de abordar la fragmentación donde más importa, según el FMI
Según Kristalina Georgieva, la fragmentación podría dificultar la ayuda a las economías emergentes y en desarrollo vulnerables que se han visto afectadas por múltiples crisis.
Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) since October 2019. January 2017 to September 2019, Chief Executive Officer, World Bank, during which also served as Interim President of the World Bank for three months. Previously served as European Commission Vice-President for Budget and Human Resources and as Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response. 1993-2010, she held a number of senior positions at the World Bank, including as Vice-President and Corporate Secretary in 2008, as Director for Sustainable Development, Director for the Russian Federation (based in Moscow), Director for Environment, and Director for Environment and Social Development for the East Asia and Pacific Region. PhD in Economic Science and MA in Political Economy and Sociology from the University of National and World Economy, Sofia. 1977-1993, Associate Professor, University of National and World Economy, Sofia. Former Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Según Kristalina Georgieva, la fragmentación podría dificultar la ayuda a las economías emergentes y en desarrollo vulnerables que se han visto afectadas por múltiples crisis.
Fragmentation could make it harder to help vulnerable emerging and developing economies that have been hit by multiple shocks, Kristalina Georgieva says.
Many women around the world are locked out of the labour force. Here are 4 things that policy-makers can do to boost women’s labour force participation.
The IMF's Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva looks at the challenges facing the global economy and outlines three priorities to tackle them.
Las autoridades económicas y los líderes empresariales se dirigieron a Davos en un momento en que la economía mundial quizás esté confrontando el mayor desafío desde la Segunda Guerra Mun...
The poorest countries face the greatest risks from climate change and require international support to finance adaptation, says the International Monetary Fund.
Debemos trabajar juntos para poner fin a la pandemia, navegar por el endurecimiento monetario y cambiar el enfoque hacia la sostenibilidad fiscal, escribe Kristalina Georgieva del FMI.
We must work together to end the pandemic, navigate monetary tightening and shift focus to fiscal sustainability, writes the IMF's Kristalina Georgieva.
Robust and reliable vaccine capacity in Africa is a global public good, deserving of global support. The fourth wave of COVID-19 echoes the need for support.
Climate change threatens not only our planet's ecosystem, lives and livelihoods, but also macroeconomic and financial stability, according to IMF.
The world is facing a worsening two-track recovery, driven by dramatic differences in vaccine availability, infection rates, and the ability to provide policy support.
The growth of COVID-19 cases in sub-Saharan Africa is the fastest in the world, with a trajectory that is outpacing the record set in the second wave.
Securing the global recovery is on the agenda at the G7 summit - and requires vaccine equity. The WHO, IMF and others are calling for greater funding.