Por qué la innovación es clave para desbloquear más inversión en capital natural
Un nuevo informe del Foro Económico Mundial analiza las tendencias de inversión en capital natural y las oportunidades del sector privado para catalizar el cambio.
Shivin Kohli is Lead, Financing for Nature at the World Economic Forum's Centre for Nature and Climate. In this role, he leads the Forum's work on mainstreaming natural capital in decision making for governments, businesses, and investors. Prior to this, Shivin co-led global sustainability research and engagements for the economics consulting firm AlphaBeta, working extensively with international organisations, governments, industry associations, private sector firms, investors, philanthropies, and nonprofits. Shivin is an experienced economist and has co-authored a number of leading agenda-setting reports on business and biodiversity, including the Future of Nature and Business. Shivin previously worked in banking, digital media, and newsdesks.
Un nuevo informe del Foro Económico Mundial analiza las tendencias de inversión en capital natural y las oportunidades del sector privado para catalizar el cambio.
A new World Economic Forum report explores trends in natural capital investing and the opportunities for change in the private sector.
• 「グローバルな危機」のうち最も注目されるのは、目に見え、緊急性が高く、よく理解されているものです。 • 自然資本の急速な減少は、これらすべてに当てはまるにもかかわらず、グローバルな課題の上位には入っていません。 • グローバルな自然危機の緊急性を高める上で、堅実な自然資本会計と評価が役立つはずです。
Nature crises must quickly move up the global agenda. Discover how robust natural capital accounting and valuation could help tackle this problem.