4 ways new HIV medicines could help usher in the end of AIDS
Innovative long-acting HIV medicine could usher in a new era of affordable and accessible treatment and prevention for millions of people around the world.
More than 30 years of experience in political leadership, diplomacy and humanitarian engagement. Recognized expert on women's rights. Formerly: Executive Director, Oxfam International; Director of Gender and Development at the United Nations Development Programme and the African Union Commission; 10 years as Member of Ugandan Parliament. Founder, Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE), which champions women's equal participation in decision-making in Uganda. Currently, UNAIDS Executive Director and Undersecretary-General of the United Nations.
Innovative long-acting HIV medicine could usher in a new era of affordable and accessible treatment and prevention for millions of people around the world.
Gender inequality is not only wrong, it is dangerous and weakens us all: global leaders must boldly finance a more equal world post-pandemic.
Saving lives from COVID-19 will be of little benefit if deaths from HIV, TB and malaria continue to rise in Africa, write Winnie Byanyima, Lucica Ditiu and Abdourahame Diallo.
Presidents from from Sweden to Sierra Leone to South Korea came together to protect the dignity of their citizens at the UN General Assembly this week. They give me hope, says Oxfam's Win...
Despite a clutch of fast-growing economies, new Oxfam data shows extreme poverty is still on the rise in Africa.
The head of Oxfam, Winnie Byanyima, apologises for the Haiti sex abuse scandal that rocked the organisation last year and explains what the NGO is doing to ensure it never happens again.
L'éruption de la colère populaire qui a secoué la politique de nombreux pays ces dernières années est enracinée dans l'échec de ce modèle néolibéral.
Cada enero vislumbro un mundo diferente. Un mundo de multimillonarios, de élites empresariales y políticas, que se unen en el centro turístico suizo de Davos para la Reunión Anual del For...
The wealth of the world’s billionaires increased by twelve percent or $2.5 billion a day last year. But the poorest half of humanity got poorer, writes Oxfam's Winnie Byanyima.
Los líderes mundiales pronto se reunirán en Davos para la cumbre de 2019 del Foro Económico Mundial, en la que el tema es la “Globalización 4.0”
For humanity to have any hope at all, Globalization 4.0 must break with neoliberalism for good, writes Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of Oxfam International.
La nouvelle recherche d'Oxfam et sa campagne Behind the Price montrent le coût humain caché derrière cette puissante industrie - et cela touche la pauvreté mondiale en plein cœur.
Ha llegado el momento de que el sistema alimentario mundial termine, no defienda, la injusticia de la pobreza.
In a cruel paradox, many of the people who produce our food go without enough to eat themselves. Supermarkets must rewrite the rules of how value is created and shared.
As the G7 countries prepare to gather in Canada, leaders from the world's richest nations must commit to responsibly redesigning their economies to work for women, and support a broader s...