In the News - Global Risks
CNBC (International) - WEF report warns of Covid inequalities fueling social tensions across the globe
Bloomberg (International) - These Are the Biggest Risks the World Faces in Next 10 Years
CNN (International) - Global experts are very worried about the future, Davos survey finds
Reuters (International) - Gloomy outlook for global recovery, World Economic Forum survey finds
The Wall Street Journal - Covid-19’s Economic Fallout Seen Lingering
Yahoo Finance (USA) - World Economic Forum: Expect 3 more years of consistent volatility, uneven recovery
Yahoo News (USA) - Climate failure and social inequality top global risks for 2022
Foreign Affairs’ Morning Brief Newsletter - U.S.-Russia Talks Reach Murky Conclusion
Quartz Daily Brief Newsletter (USA) - What to Watch For
The Guardian (UK) - Covid has undermined fight against global heating, says WEF
FAZ (Germany) - Klimawandel und soziale Spaltung sind größte Risiken
Handelsblatt (Germany) - "Der Planet brennt" – Klimakrise und soziale Verwerfungen lösen bei Führungskräften Zukunftsängste aus
Süddeutsche Zeitung (Germany) - Warum Warnungen so oft verhallen
Spiegel (Germany) - Experten blicken pessimistisch in die Zukunft
AFP (France) - L’inégal accès au vaccin peut compliquer le défi climatique, alerte le Forum économique mondial
Radio France Internationale - Le Forum économique mondial publie son Global Risk Report 2022
Xinhua News Agency (China) - 世界经济论坛报告提示2022年全球主要风险
China News Service - 世界经济论坛报告:未来三年全球经济复苏料将动荡不定
Sina.com (China) - 世界经济论坛发布气候变化仍是头号风险
Sina News (China) - Unequal access to vaccines could hinder the fight against climate change
China Daily (China) - Failure to act on climate is biggest threat to global economy says WEF
The Beijing News (China) - 2022全球风险报告:未来三年世界经济复苏失衡或将动荡不定
CNBC TV 18 (India) - Rising digital dependence during pandemic heightening cyber threats: WEF survey
The Times of India (India) - Gloomy outlook for global recovery, World Economic Forum survey finds
The Economic Times (India) - Rising digital dependence during pandemic heightening cyber threats: WEF survey
ET Telecom (India) - Rising digital dependence during pandemic heightening cyber threats: WEF survey
Business Today (India) - Pandemic effect: Growing digital dependence heightening cyber threats, says WEF survey
Republic World (India) - World Economic Forum Warns Cyber Risk, Space & COVID Will Add To Climate Change Threat
The Hindu (India) - Rising digital dependence during pandemic heightening cyber threats, survey says
Nikkei (Japan) - 「不均衡な回復」にリスク 世界経済フォーラム
Asahi Shimbun (Japan) - 世界経済フォーラム参加者、景気回復に悲観的 気候変動がリスク
Reuters Japan (Japan) - 世界経済フォーラム参加者、景気回復に悲観的 気候変動がリスク
Yahoo! Japan (Japan) - 世界経済フォーラム参加者、景気回復に悲観的 気候変動がリスク
Goo News (Japan) - 世界経済フォーラム参加者、景気回復に悲観的 気候変動がリスク
Excite News (Japan) - 世界経済フォーラム参加者、景気回復に悲観的 気候変動がリスク
TBS (Japan) - 世界経済フォーラム「ワクチン格差で社会分断悪化の恐れ」
TV Tokyo (Japan) - 国際社会 最大リスクは「環境」 世界経済フォーラム
Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) - Nature risk is the next big theme in responsible investment. But what is it?
Australian Financial Review (Australia) - What are the biggest business risks in 2022? CEOs just can’t agree
NZZ (Switzerland) - WEF warnt vor zunehmender sozialer Spaltung durch die Pandemie
Tages-Anzeiger (Switzerland) - Pandemien, Flucht und Klimawandel – darum verhallen Warnungen
Le Temps (Switzerland) - Le Covid-19 sème les graines de tensions sociales dans le monde, selon le WEF
HandelsZeitung (Switzerland) - Hakt die Pandemie ab, fürchtet das Klima
Tribune de Genève (Switzerland) - La crise sanitaire débouche sur une crise sociale
G1 (Brazil) - Perspectiva para recuperação global é sombria, mostra pesquisa do Fórum Econômico Mundial
UOL (Brazil) - Perspectiva para recuperação global é sombria, mostra pesquisa do Fórum Econômico Mundial
Valor Econômico (Brazil) - Mudança climática é o maior risco para o mundo, aponta Relatório de Riscos Globais 2022
Globe and Mail (Canada) - Cybersecurity and the space race are emerging risks to global economy, World Economic Forum says
Financial Post (Canada) - Canadian bank CEOs weigh in on uncertain economic outlook in 2022
La Repubblica (Italy) - World economic forum, la crisi climatica è il pericolo numero uno per il mondo della finanza
RaiNews (Italy) - World economic forum: "Il clima è una minaccia peggiore della pandemia"
Infobae (Argentina) - Una encuesta del Foro Económico Mundial señala perspectivas sombrías para la recuperación
Infobae (Argentina) - Informe Global de Riesgos 2022: la crisis climática y social son las principales amenazas para el planeta
Portafolio (Colombia) - Seis riesgos para la humanidad, según el Foro Económico Mundial
The Straits Times (Singapore) - Economic stagnation is No. 1 worry of Singapore businesses: WEF report
El Universal (Mexico) - Crisis social y climática, riesgos para 2022: WEF
El Financiero (Mexico) - Salud mental y cambio climático, los riesgos del mundo en 2022
El Financiero (México) - Acceso desigual a vacunas puede fragilizar lucha contra cambio climático (Foro Económico Mundial)
El Heraldo de Mexico - El reporte de riesgos del WEF 2022
La Jornada (Mexico) - Crisis social, riesgo tras la pandemia: Foro Económico Mundial
Jornal de Negocios (Portugal) - 5 coisas que precisa de saber para começar o dia
Público (Portugal) - Fracasso da acção climática é o risco mais severo da década, diz relatório de Davos
Investor Daily (Indonesia) - WEF: Kesenjangan Terkait Covid Picu Ketegangan Sosia
Maeil Business Newspaper (South Korea) - "The real estate stock bubble in developed countries among the biggest threat to the world economy this year" [Davos Forum warning]
Newstree (South Korea) - Ten risks pointed out by the Davos Forum
Business Day (South Africa) - Sombre outlook for global recovery, with climate change the top risk
Daily Maverick (South Africa) - WEF Global Risks Report highlights the socioeconomic mountains South Africa has to climb
TASS (Russia) - Аналитики ВЭФ назвали глобальные риски будущего
TRT World (Turkey) - Cybersecurity, space 'emerging as new risks' to global economy
Anadoly Agency (Turkey) - Foro Económico Mundial afirma que cambio climático y divisiones sociales son los principales riesgos globales para 2022
La Libre (Belgium) - Les fractures sociales épinglées par le Forum économique mondial : les dirigeants mondiaux doivent adopter "une réponse coordonnée"
L’Echo (Belgium) - La fracture sociale, principal risque à court terme selon le Forum de Davos
Asharq Al-Awsat (KSA) - World Economic Forum Warns Cyber Risks Add to Climate Threat
Saudi Gazette (KSA) - Climate failure and social crisis top global risks 2022
Bloomberg (US) - Covid-19 Pandemic Could Be Source of Global Crises for Years: WEF
Bloomberg (US) - WEF Sees Disease, Climate as Top Global Risks for 2021 (interview with Saadia Zahidi)
Yahoo Finance (US) - ‘Pandemial’ generation face an ‘employment ice age’
Yahoo Finance (US) - World leaders reveal their 10 biggest fears for the next decade
The Guardian (UK) - Fighting climate crisis made harder by Covid-19 inequality, says WEF
StrategicRisk (UK) - WEF: No vaccine for climate change
Fast Company (US) - Climate change, the digital divide, infectious disease, and unemployment are the top global risks
Fortune (US) - From a disillusioned youth precariat to state collapse—WEF ranks the risks to our post-COVID world
Wall Street Journal (US) - Covid-19 Heightens U.S.-China Rivalry, New Report Says
Ámbito Financiero (Argentina) - Cuáles son los mayores riesgos para el mundo, según los líderes del Foro de Davos
The Syndey Morning Herald (Australia) - Risk of 'lost generation' amid global asset bubbles and debt crises
Istoe Dinheiro (Brazil) - - Social, financial crisis, nuclear conflict: what concerns the Davos elite?
Le Devoir (Canada) Forum de Davos: la COVID-19 n’a pas fini de hanter le monde
China Radio International (China) - 世界经济论坛发布2021年《全球风险报告》环境风险仍是首要问题
Les Echos (France) - Pandémie, climat, crise des Etats : les sombres prévisions du Forum de Davos
Le Figaro (France) - Risque de pandémie mondiale: le Forum de Davos l'annonçait en 2006
La Tribune via AFP (France) - Crise sociale, krach boursiers...ce qui fait trembler le Forum de Davos version 2021
Der Spiegel (Germany) - Weltwirtschaftsforum fordert gemeinsame Pandemiestrategie
Die Welt (Germany) - „Fat-Tail“-Risiken – Diese Gefahren bedrohen die Welt
Deutsche Welle (Germany) - Pandemic, climate change threaten global stability: WEF
Deutsche Welle (Germany) - WEF: Unemployment and digital divide short-term effects of pandemic
Handelsblatt (Germany) - Pandemien führen die Gefahrenliste der Unternehmen an
ZDF (Germany) - WEF: Pandemie bedroht Perspektive der Jugend
Bloomberg Quint (India) - Covid Could Be Source of New Global Crises for Years
Fortune (India) - Covid-19 exposes fissures in global society
PTI (India) - COVID-19 pandemic increasing disparities, social fragmentation; threatening economy, geopolitical stability: WEF study
Liputan 6 (Indonesia) - Fokus Tangani Covid-19 Jadi Kunci Bila Ingin Ekonomi Tumbuh di 2021
Merdeka (Indonesia) - Vaksinasi Kunci Pulih dari Krisis Imbas Pandemi Corona
AGI (Italy) Dalla pandemia rischi per giovani e coesione sociale. Il rapporto del World economic forum
Il Sole 24 Ore (Italy) - Davos, Wef: ignorato allarme pandemia per 15 anni
La Stampa (Italy) - Da Davos arriva l'allarme sul Covid-19: “Le conseguenze della pandemia dureranno anni”
El Universal (Mexico) - WEF alerta sobre enfermedades y ciberataques
Economia Ao Minuto (Portugal) - Mundo "precisa de acordar" e preparar-se para riscos de longo-prazo
The Straits Times (Singapore) - Widening disparities threaten economies, stability: WEF Global Risks Report 2021
Blick (Switzerland) - Global Risks Report 2021 warnt Menschen müssen sich auf neue ansteckende Krankheiten vorbereiten
NZZ (Switzerland) - WEF mahnt: Trotz Pandemie bleibt Klimawandel das grösste Risiko
Anadolu Agency (Turkey) - Dünya Ekonomik Forumu: Kovid-19 Ve Ekonomik Etkisi En Büyük Küresel Risk
Bloomberg HT (Turkey) - WEF: Salgınlar ve geçim krizleri kısa vadede tehdit oluşturacak
Dünya (Turkey) - Davos'un acil gündemleri iklim, pandemi ve eşitsizlik
Al Ain (UAE) - دافوس يحذر: مخاطر متعددة تنتظر العالم في 2021
Al Bayan (UAE) - المنتدى الاقتصادي: 7 مخاطر تواجه العالم 2021
CNBC Africa (SSA) - World Economic Forum on future global risks & lessons from COVID-19
Reuters (UK) - Leaders fear for planet as they pack for 'green' Davos
The Guardian (UK) - Climate crisis fills top five places of World Economic Forum’s risks report
India Today (IN) - Fears for planet dominate as leaders pack for 'green' Davos
The Hill (USA) - World Economic Forum: Top global risks all climate-related
The Telegraph (UK) - Trade wars add to climate change risks, World Economic Forum warns
Tages AnZeiger (CH) - Düstere Prognose: Die Mächtigen fürchten sich vor Umweltrisiken
24 Heures (CH) - Risques climatiques et politiques pointés du doigt
La Republica (IT) - Davos, per la prima volta il clima è il maggior rischio finanziario. Greta sarà al forum
Il Sole 24 Ore (IT) - Le nevi di Davos si tingono di verde
El Mundo (ES) - Davos sitúa "la polarización política interna" como gran peligro del año ante el frenazo económico
SPIEGEL WIRTSCHAFT (DE) - Klimakrise dominiert Agenda in Davos
Handelsblatt (DE) - Weltwirtschaftsforum warnt: Klimarisiken sind die größte Gefahr für die Erde
Politico (BXL) - Davos elite talk climate and Australian fires, without Australia
iFeng (CN) - 全球风险报告发布 | 燃烧的地球:气候诱发的火灾及政治口水战席卷全球
Sina (CN) - 报告:未来10年全球五大风险 全和环境相关
Asahi (JP) - 気候変動と環境破壊が懸念リスク項目上位、ダボス会議向け報告書
Nikkei (JP) - 多国間主義の後退など討議 21日からダボス会議
France Inter (FR) - À Davos, l'environnement sera-t-il vraiment la principale préoccupation ?
The Financial Times (UK) - Davos climate obsessions contain clues for policymaking
The Guardian (UK) - Global tensions holding back climate change fight, says WEF
Bloomberg (UK) - Climate and Cyber Risks Top Concerns Facing the World in 2019
Le Figaro (FR) - Les pires cauchemars des décideurs pour les dix ans à venir
Arab News (Saudi Arabia) - Davos organizer WEF warns of growing risk of cyberattacks in Gulf
Spiegel (DE) - Verheerendes Bild vom Zustand der Welt
Straits Times (SG) - Climate risks, data theft top fears at World Economic Forum meeting