Transformación de la cadena de suministro y la manufactura: Claves de Davos 2025
La manufactura se encuentra en una encrucijada transformadora en la que convergen la sostenibilidad y la innovación. Así se discutió el tema en Davos 2025.
Kiva is a senior technology executive with over 25 years of global experience in leading-edge technology companies with a passion for advanced technology adoption and strategic impact. Kiva is the Head, of the Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chains and a Member of the Executive Committee, where together with her team and partners, they are helping deliver on the Centre’s mission.
Before joining the Forum, Kiva held various executive-level roles at large and small technology companies including Sarcos Robotics, Ericsson, GE Ventures, Qualcomm, and Motorola. Kiva holds a Bachelor of Science from Northwestern University and an MBA from Kellogg. Recent awards include 2024 Forbes 50 Over 50 Innovation Award, 2023 CEO of the Year, Utah Business, 2022 Silver Stevie Awards for Women in Business Executive of the Year and 2022 Women In Technology.
La manufactura se encuentra en una encrucijada transformadora en la que convergen la sostenibilidad y la innovación. Así se discutió el tema en Davos 2025.
Speakers at this year's World Economic Forum annual meeting revealed how manufacturing is at a transformative crossroads where sustainability and innovation converge
Un nuevo informe destaca siete factores de preparación críticos a nivel país para la toma de decisiones en la cadena de valor en una época de cambios geopolíticos.
With workforce talent a major barrier to digital transformation of manufacturing, the Frontline Talent of the Future Initiative has identified the key features of successful industrial sites
A new report highlights seven country-level readiness factors critical for value-chain decision-making in a time of increasing geopolitical turbulence
La creciente necesidad de habilidades de sostenibilidad abarca toda la cadena de valor, desde el abastecimiento de materias primas hasta el producto final que llega al consumidor.
The growing need for sustainability skills spans the entire value chain – from the sourcing of raw materials to the final product reaching the consumer.
Con las nuevas tecnologías remodelando los lugares de trabajo, he aquí cómo los agentes del conocimiento capacitarán a los trabajadores y agentes de automatización para automatzar tareas ...
With new technologies reshaping workplaces, here's how knowledge agents will empower workers and automation agents automate tasks in industrial operations.
La industria manufacturera debe aprender a integrar la ciberresiliencia en la cultura organizativa para combatir más ataques de ransomware y otras ciberamenazas.
Manufacturers must learn how to integrate cyber resilience into organizational culture to combat more attacks from ransomware and other cyber threats.
La UE, China y EE. UU. se esfuerzan por fomentar la circularidad en la industria del automóvil, pero se necesita una política más integrada en todos los ámbitos.
The EU, China and the US are engaged in efforts to foster circularity in the automotive industry – but more integrated policy-making is needed across the board