Nature and Biodiversity
Mettre un terme à l'addiction au charbon en Allemagne
L'Allemagne a construit 10 nouvelles centrales électriques au charbon depuis 2011, ce qui porte son total à environ 120.
Co-founder, Future Earth Media Lab
L'Allemagne a construit 10 nouvelles centrales électriques au charbon depuis 2011, ce qui porte son total à environ 120.
Through search, e-commerce and social media, tech companies influence the decisions of four billion consumers every day. Here's how they can nudge us onto a more sustainable path to avert...
AI could be on the cusp of driving the next phase of the scientific revolution. Here's why.
We depend on pollinating insects like bees for the majority of food we eat; yet over 40% of the world's species face extinction.