It’s never been this expensive to finance a new coal power plant
Loan spread for coal mines and coal-fired power plants rose 38% and 54% between 2010 and 2020, as global economies look for more sustainable investment.
I cover technology, science, startups, and VC, particularly in Silicon Valley.
I've founded a startup (Publet), served as the managing editor of the Phnom Penh Post in Cambodia, and written for Fast Company, Foreign Policy, and The Economist.
I love wicked problems and clever solutions. Find me @mj_coren or in the Pacific sailing, swimming and surfing. If I'm not at home, then michaeljcoren.com. San Francisco, CA
Loan spread for coal mines and coal-fired power plants rose 38% and 54% between 2010 and 2020, as global economies look for more sustainable investment.
This space study provided evidence that human activities are significantly contributing to global warming and increasing the Earth's energy imbalance.
Geothermal energy had fallen our of favour in the United States, but its potential to fill gaps when solar and wind projects can't provide electricity could see it rise again.
From the start of 2020, California will enforce a law ensuring that any new built home must include enough solar panels to power it sufficiently.
Node's 'flatpack' prefabricated houses take only a few days to build and are carbon-neutral, powered entirely by solar panels.
The discovery of such large reservoirs of fresh water could be important for places which currently suffer from water shortages.
Oil and gas companies are investing heavily in EV charging companies.
Ookla's state of the internet report shows mobile and broadband are accelerating around the world, although not every country is keeping pace.
"Duplex" is the first AI capable of conversing with people in a natural manner.
Schezhaun’s electric fleet now dwarfs the number of buses, both conventional or electric, in top US metropolitan areas, reports CleanTechnica.
Facebook has acquired a two-month-old app called tbh—as in “to be honest”—which lets people send each other positive feedback through anonymous, quiz-style polls.
Hired had a novel ideal to tackle the gender gap, by showing candidates salary distributions - but it didn't work out as expected.
A robotics expert has predicted that children born in the year 2017 will never drive a car.
In this video, a car's collision detection system applies the brakes before the driver has time to react.
Corporate boards are increasingly looking to include younger, more tech savvy members, writes Michael J. Coren.