Communities The Forum of Young Global Leaders
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The Forum of Young Global Leaders

The Forum of Young Global Leaders

The Forum of Young Global Leaders is a community with the vision, courage and influence to drive positive change. During a transformational three-year experience, YGLs are inspired to be bold in undertaking a sense of shared responsibility, impact and ambition.

The Forum of Young Global Leaders was established in 2004 to unite outstanding next-generation leaders from around the world.

For the past two decades, it has epitomized the power of collective action in tackling the world’s most critical challenges. From pioneering initiatives in public health and economic development to advancing innovations in technology and sustainability, our diverse community has contributed to shaping policies and improving communities worldwide. Now in its 20th year, the Forum of Young Global Leaders continues to cultivate and support inspiring leaders committed to forging positive change.

“For the past 20 years, we have embarked on a journey to identify, support and facilitate connections between young leaders who are committed to improving the state of the world. Amid these complex times, the YGL community has demonstrated resilience, unity and a vision for a sustainable and inclusive world.” - Nicole Schwab, Chair of the Forum of Young Global Leaders Board

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Trace our impactful journey

Explore the interactive timeline showcasing how Young Global Leaders have pioneered world-changing initiatives over the past two decades.

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Impact spotlight

Delve into inspiring stories of Young Global Leaders breaking barriers through innovation, action and leadership.

  • Fostering entrepreneurship to connect refugees with the global economy: Working with refugees in Kenya's Kakuma Refugee Camp to realize their economic potential.
  • Global companies reduce air pollutants in supply chains: Launched The Alliance for Clean Air to spark private sector efforts to improve air quality across their value chains.

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