Restoring trust online: what can we learn from cybersecurity's zero trust models?
Cybersecurity engineers are shifting to a security model called “zero trust”: the idea that trust should not be automatically granted to a user by default.
Cybersecurity engineers are shifting to a security model called “zero trust”: the idea that trust should not be automatically granted to a user by default.
La confianza digital es más importante que nunca. Examinamos cómo el sector tecnológico puede desarrollar e implementar tecnología responsable.
In a time of rapid innovation, digital trust has never been more important. We examine how the tech sector can develop and deploy responsible technology.
Trust in social media is low. The World Economic Forum has published a white paper outlining ways to rebuild trust in digital technologies.
Digital trust needs to be at the heart of technological innovation, which still too often fails to prioritize the fears of those who use new technologies.
The Digital Trust community drives the adoption of more secure and trustworthy technologies help avoid the mistrust trap for citizens, businesses and governments. By identifying and lever...
The Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution is advancing the application of human-centred and society-serving technologies.