The Network of Global Future Councils is the world’s foremost interdisciplinary knowledge network dedicated to promoting innovative thinking on the future.
Davos Agenda Day 3 focuses on enhancing stewardship of our global commons. Here's what business leaders had to say about the economy and climate change.
Nature Risk Rising, the first in a new series of reports, sets out why businesses must start taking nature-related risks into better account. Here are five of its key takeaways.
Nature is facing increased pressure due COVID-19 crisis – and to our health and our economy, governments must also prioritize healing our planet, too.
Biodiversity is critically important to human health, safety, business and life – but it's declining rapidly. Here's why we must protect our natural ecosystems.
Coronavirus is a reminder of our dysfunctional relationship with nature. Studies show deforestation and the loss of wildlife cause infectious disease.
This year should see agreements on biodiversity, climate targets and marine resources. It's time for a New Deal for Nature and People.
Soil is an incomparable source of food security, biodiversity and carbon capture – we must work with the farmer to protect it
According to our research, over half the world's GDP is highly or moderately dependent on natural resources and services. Nature loss and degradation is threatening our wellbeing, as well...
Since 2002, more than 60 million hectares of primary forest have been lost in the tropics, equivalent to an area the size of France. In 2021 alone, the tropics lost 11.1 million hectares ...